Showing posts with label determination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label determination. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Best 5 Education Quotes HERE never Think : N Smile : The Brand

N Smile : The Brand Education Quotes

“Girls know that education is their only path to self-sufficiency.  It is their only chance to shape their own fate rather than having the limits of their lives dictated to them by others.”

“We’re in this together.  Because these girls are our girls.  They are us.  They each have the spark of something extraordinary inside of them just like our daughters – and our sons – and their fate is very much our responsibility.”

“The ability to read, write, and analyze; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at that table — all of that starts with education.”

"The more I traveled and met with girls and learned from experts about this issue, the more I realized that the barrier to girls’ education isn’t just resources. It’s also about attitudes and beliefs – the belief that girls simply aren’t worthy of an education; that women should have no role outside the home; that their bodies aren’t their own, their minds don’t really matter, and their voices simply shouldn’t be heard.”

“I’m passionate about this because I truly see myself in these girls – in their hunger, in their burning determination to rise above their circumstances and reach for something more.  And I know that many of you do, too.”

N Smile : The Brand : Like..  Share.. Subscribe..!!